I read a recent article on Forbes.com that really resonated with me about taking baby steps to clean up your finances http://tinyurl.com/22rk3lt . Facing your financial reality can be hard for some people and doing that without judgement can be even harder.
One of your “baby steps” can be something simple, like looking at what you spend on eating out for a week. At the end of the week look at those numbers and see how it makes you feel. Maybe you don’t spend as much as you thought you did and you feel pretty good about that. Or maybe you feel a little anxious and nervous facing those numbers when they’re right in front of you. Try not to judge yourself. Acknowledge your feelings and choose to change some of your spending habits if you are not feeling good looking at those numbers.
The popular phrase “Rome Wasn’t built in a day” can easily be applied to your finances too! It’s all about taking baby steps towards a financial reality that you can feel good about.
The post Baby Steps appeared first on Julie Murphy.
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