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Changing Your Mindset For Success

Julie Murphy • October 4, 2022


Have you tried every piece of advice and trick in the book out there to shift your mindset to one of success? But with limited results?

This is because to change your mindset and achieve anything, it goes far deeper than scratching just the surface level. You’ve probably at times felt that surge in motivation but it’s fleeting, right? I get it! 

So how do you change your mindset and achieve anything? 

It’s time to go inwards. 

It Has to Come From Your Heart

Achieving success has to come from your heart - it has to
fully land in your heart. We’re so used to operating with our logical left-brains that we become overwhelmed and our hearts get left on the sidelines!

So how can we change your mindset
? Well, first of all, are you in alignment? The moment we fall out of alignment and make decisions based purely on logic or what we feel we ‘should’ do, our nervous systems contract. So what makes it so your nervous system doesn’t get hijacked? 

That is the path you need to follow.

It’s about intentionality. Our intentions are the cornerstone of absolutely everything.

Let’s say you’re looking to shift your mindset and create more success around your finances. If you’re setting goals or intentions that don’t actually feel good in your heart and in your body, but ones that you feel you ‘should’ set, let me tell you, something will suffer along the way.

Or, you’ll be doing
all the mindset work, yet still find yourself in that pattern of overspending or creating leaky financial containers. 

So why is that?

It’s because our suffering patterns and cycles are a symbol of unfelt emotions. Even if you’re doing all the practical things, if you haven’t taken the time to feel through those unfelt emotions buried in your subconscious and feel through to the other side, you won’t get the results and the manifestations that you really desire. 

Something I recommend if you’re struggling to shift past any emotional blocks, is try some form of energy work to move it out of your body. 

We are all Fourfold beings made up of the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical and
all of these pillars have to be addressed. This is the key to changing your mindset for success

After all, we can’t live in the present moment when fixated on the past, which is what happens when we’re blocked emotionally. 

Follow Your Giggle!

Now let me ask you, what makes you giggle?! Sound crazy? Hear me out on this one!

The giggle is so important because it activates those feel-good, high vibration emotions where you’re attracting that back. It’s where everything seems to flow and your nervous system feels calm and neutral. Yes, action will need to be taken to achieve the success you desire but doing this through the lens of following your giggle, just watch how things fall into place! 

In my
Julie Murphy brand, I’m all about following the giggle because I’ve witnessed countless times with clients and in my own life the miraculous shifts that can occur when we do! 

The ‘work’ that does have to be done feels lighter in the body. The whole process flows with ease and grace.

Tune into Your Feminine Energy

Much of the mindset world talks about ‘doing’ and ‘striving’. So now, I want to challenge you to approach it in a different way. 

Tune into the power of your feminine energy.  Yes, I’m asking you to move from a place of pushing, doing and perhaps getting burnt out, to
listening to what's coming in. When you start to become open and tune in from a place of empowerment. When you embrace your multidimensional self. 

Oftentimes, inner happiness is a core piece that’s missing. This is when we can turn to old patterns such as over-spending to try and fulfill unmet emotional needs, as I mentioned earlier.

When you are in flow and in alignment, everything just shows up! All it takes is a few fully conscious decisions on the right path. Decisions that are aligned to your highest self and what you want to create! So when asking how do I change my mindset to positive
, it’s about knowing that
you are the creator of your life and focusing purely on what you want to create. 

Not getting distracted by the outside world or other people and being intentional about what you want to create every step of the way.

Writing down what you want to create to achieve success and your intentions can also be incredibly helpful. Energetically, this is you fully declaring your desires. 

The Challenges Will Come Up

When we look at how to change your mindset and achieve anything
, this is also being willing to accept that challenges will come along the way. A shift in mindset takes place when we rewire our neural pathways and take different actions. When instead of reacting to the challenges, you consciously choose to step into them -  in your truth and from a place of empowerment. 

This is where you’ll start to see results! I have an abundance of tools,
resources and programs if you’re looking for extra support on this piece. 

So now, let me ask you this; how are you ready to step into your life from an empowered place? How can you make decisions from that standpoint, that are all woven in your truths?

Redirect your focus
entirely on what you want to create. What makes you feel lighter? Do the energy work and if you’re creating your past over and over such as through your spending, make it so that it can’t happen. Disrupt those old pathways! 

This is how can we truly change your mindset
 and you can create that life of Real Wealth you desire. If you’re looking for some more immersive guidance on this, please go ahead and take a look at my
coaching offerings.

And if you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to share on social media and with your friends!

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