Here’s the thing; we need to have way more fun around money!
I appreciate you might not hear many financial planners say this!
Why? Because I observe how so many people are suffering around their money patterns and today, I want to reinforce that it doesn’t have to be that way.
When you have more fun when it comes to your money, the incredible thing is that you’ll actually create
more of it because you’re
aligning energetically with a higher vibration around money.
What are Limited Beliefs?
So, what is it that keeps us in our suffering patterns? This is all down to having limiting beliefs around finances, how much wealth we can create and what we have to do to attract and earn it.
Our limiting beliefs are ultimately the stories we tell ourselves about money.
Our limiting beliefs grow and cement in our subconscious right from childhood. When we grow up, we witness how our parents, families or carers interfaced with money and this influences our own mindset around it and forms our patterns. This then of course extends to our school systems and communities; all of which interface how we ourselves interact with money and the stories we begin to tell ourselves.
It all determines what we believe to be true when we get older, go to college and start to pursue our careers.
What are Your Limited Beliefs?
What limited beliefs come to mind for you? Are there any that stand out? Perhaps that the only way to security later in life is to work in a job that you don’t love but provides a steady income and benefits?
Maybe it’s that once you choose a career in your early 20’s, you have to stick to it and work your way up the ladder?
You might have been taught that money is scarce?
Write them down if you can identify any. Let’s get them out there and shine a light on them!
In my work and as it becomes the norm in general, I see so many people default to debt as a result of their limiting beliefs. However the thing about debt is that it creates a complete lack of freedom and choice in your life. It traps you into making different decisions in the present moment and doesn’t allow you to make choices that will enrich your future.
debt patterns all result due to our limiting beliefs. As I always say and see so often in my work; we either work things out or act them out through our money, health and our relationships.
When we let them run our lives and we don’t stay open to new opportunities and adventures, we create debt, disease in our bodies and other areas of our life are also negatively impacted. Everything is all highly correlated.
How to Overcome Our Limited Beliefs
So how do we overcome it?
It’s all about processing those emotions inside our body. It’s about highlighting them and understanding that they are actually just stories. When we don’t choose the next adventure or that change that scares us - but makes us so excited.
Too many people feel like they’re been kicked in the face. So, let’s choose right now to stop dragging ourselves through the mud!
Let’s stay open to possibilities and have some fun!
I had a client who worked for corporate America for most of her life but had a real passion for dogs and wanted to shift completely. We worked out what she needed to have a year in income and what investments in her portfolio could help pay for her expenses.
When I saw her some time later, she had become a dog walker and was thriving! This eventually turned into a business offering more services and she created even more money than in her previous job simply because she was happier!
My client was feeding her heart and soul in the process of pursuing that next adventure. She got rid of her limiting beliefs based on generations before her that she had to continue to work in a job she didn’t love.
This could be true for you too.
Choose to see what your own stories and limiting beliefs are that aren’t serving your heart and soul and get busy working on shifting that! Get out there and choose the next adventure!
If you’re ready to embrace your next adventure and would like some guidance, please don’t forget to check out my
coaching services and
No matter what age you are there is always a new adventure ahead.
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