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Protect Your Energy and Shift Your Money Mindset for Greater Clarity and Abundance

Julie Murphy • Aug 27, 2024
How to Take Your Manifestations to the Next Level

In our most recent IMPACT workshop, we explored a powerful practice that I highly recommend incorporating into your daily life—the Platinum Shield Prayer. Not only can this practice help protect your energy and maintain clarity, but it also has a profound impact on cultivating a healthier relationship with money.

What is the Platinum Shield Prayer?

The Platinum Shield Prayer is a simple yet transformative practice designed to envelop you in a protective layer of divine light. This shield helps block out negativity, lower energies, and external influences that may cloud your judgment or drain your energy. It is especially useful when dealing with the emotional ups and downs related to money—whether it’s fear, scarcity, or uncertainty.

At its core, this prayer is about connecting with the divine to safeguard your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which naturally extends to your mindset around money. By strengthening your sense of protection, you empower yourself to make clearer, more confident financial decisions, free from external pressures or limiting beliefs.

Why Use the Platinum Shield Prayer for Money Mindset?

Many of us carry deeply ingrained beliefs about money—beliefs that may not serve us in building the life we desire. We absorb financial anxieties from others, societal pressures, and even our own past experiences. This can create blockages that prevent us from attracting abundance or feeling secure in our financial journey.

During our last IMPACT workshop, we discussed how life’s demands and financial pressures can sometimes overwhelm us, making it difficult to maintain balance and clarity. This is where the Platinum Shield Prayer becomes incredibly valuable—it acts as a spiritual barrier, helping you stay aligned with a mindset of abundance while filtering out the scarcity mindset, fear, and financial stress that often seep in.

Using this prayer regularly allows you to reclaim control over your financial energy. It helps you clear the path to prosperity by focusing on what truly serves your highest good in terms of wealth and well-being.

How to Use the Platinum Shield Prayer

You can use this prayer as part of your morning routine, before making important financial decisions, or any time you feel the weight of money-related stress. Here’s a simple version to get you started:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can sit or stand comfortably.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment.
  3. Visualize a platinum shield of light forming around you—bright, strong, and impenetrable.
  4. As you envision this shield, say the following prayer (or create your own version):
    “I call upon the divine light to surround me with a platinum shield of protection. Let this shield deflect all negativity, lower energies, and anything that does not serve my highest good—especially related to my relationship with money. I am safe, I am abundant, and I am protected. So it is.”
  5. Sit for a moment in this protective energy, allowing yourself to feel the strength and stability of the shield around you, knowing that you are worthy of financial peace and prosperity.

For those who would like the full version of the Platinum Shield Prayer, you can find it here and integrate it into your daily practice for even greater protection and clarity.

Building a Healthier Money Mindset with Support

Incorporating the Platinum Shield Prayer into your routine is just one of many ways to shift your money mindset toward abundance. It allows you to release fears and limiting beliefs that hold you back, creating space for greater financial clarity and success.

If you’d like to explore more ways to cultivate a thriving relationship with money, I invite you to join me for our next IMPACT Workshop. These workshops are designed to help you align your financial mindset with your deepest values, so you can confidently create the wealth and life you deserve. Plus, we’ll dive deeper into practices that will help you enhance your overall well-being and prosperity.

Our next workshop is just around the corner—don't miss out! Click here to learn more and register. I look forward to seeing you there and supporting you on your journey to financial freedom and abundance!

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