When was the last time you focused on your dreams?
Your true dreams. The ones that come from deep within. The ones that uplift you or make you giggle and smile? If you can’t remember the last time you thought about the dreams that bring you joy, it could be that you’ve lost touch with your inner knowing.
The guidance that comes from your heart.
Too often, we negotiate our dreams away to conform to what we believe others will understand and accept. And, of course, much of what we call OUR dreams are really based on what other people, like our parents, friends, bosses, or professors, think would be good for us.
So, what are YOUR dreams?
The big ones. The scary ones. The ones you want but feel you have no chance of achieving. What are those inner yearnings your girlfriends gloss over when you bring them up or your family laughs at during Thanksgiving dinner?
Let’s talk about them.
Not your dreams but the feeling you have surrounding them.
The fear. The uncertainty. The insecurity. The sadness. The shame. The judgment. And the feelings make sense; There are so many external pressures. You have to think about your kids’ college funds and your husband’s career path and your parents’ healthcare costs. You have so many other more important things going on in your life than your dreams.
It always seems everyone else’s feelings and needs matter more than yours.
I don’t need to tell you how ridiculous that is. Yet it’s a convenient excuse for why our dreams are impractical or can’t happen. It’s part of the negative self-talk that comes with losing touch with our inner guidance and denying our wants and needs. And that leads to frustration about our place in our lives and resentful of the people and things we put on a higher pedestal than us.
So, let’s make a change.
Action step:
Honor the divine within you.
When you can feel deep inside that you’re onto something big, something that aligns perfectly with your soul’s purpose, you might get scared. And that’s OK. Being afraid when we have an idea is generally a good indicator of the direction we should be going. It may be outside of your comfort zone, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. It means that it’s an idea that deserves all the attention you can give it.
And, don’t ignore the deep and profound connection you have to your life’s purpose. Never stray too far away from that part of yourself. It’s the most meaningful part of who you are, so spend time each day nurturing connection through self-care.
Love yourself first. You and the people in your life will benefit tenfold.
The post Your Dreams Matter appeared first on Julie Murphy.
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