If you’ve read my book or any of my blogs, you know that I passionately believe in, and encourage you to harness the power of your money mindset. It is true that what you put out to the Universe is returned to you.
I’m overcome with joy when I see someone else experience these abundant moments and share them with the world, thereby planting more seeds of empowering shift.
I was inspired when I read this post by Jenn Dieas, Founder and President of “Glowout – A Golden Girl Salon”. She truly manifests the power of this message.
You may have your fearful moment, lament about your struggle. But once you focus back on your strength and let the world know you’re ready to embrace it, things change.
See how Jenn pulled herself from fear to power, and the financial win she experienced from creating that shift for herself. Read on, and unleash your inner Glow Getter!
jenn-dieas-post-jmc“MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS” After a slightly panicked morning with a bunch of money worry I decided to take a walk and move some stress out of my body. I had a major pep talk with myself about money. Like “girl you’re a badass mofo you got this ok.”
I grew up with a mom who was always hustling someone and a lot of those hustles weren’t so legal. I watched that become the cause of us living in shitty motels out of our duffel bags. That stuck with me. I promised myself I’d never not walk the straight and narrow, honest line.
After my walk I headed to work to grab some things and notice I left an old purse in my office. I open it up and BAM $300 of my tip money is inside. Cha Ching! I’m reminded once again that my mindset creates my reality. #zenjenn #shiftshappen
~ Jenn Dieas, August, 2016