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Personal Finance Goals You Can Accomplish in 2022

Julie Murphy • July 4, 2022


We’re now over halfway into the year, and if you’re feeling disheartened about your 2022 financial goals, there’s still plenty of time to create momentum! Let’s see this as an opportunity to take a fresh perspective on what you want to accomplish and set yourself on the path to financial freedom!

In today’s article, I’m going to share some tips that will help you move further towards embodying Real Wealth in 2022 and creating a financial life that you love.

Set The Intention for What You Want to Create!

If you’re feeling challenged when it comes to your money, now is a great time to take a step back and reassess. After all, to manifest wealth we have to be truly relentless in what we want to create!

So I encourage you to ask yourself; what is it that you want to create? Is it to be debt free, to have financial freedom, to make a living doing what you absolutely love, to have a fulfilling family life, work in a job where your energy is totally aligned to the environment and the work itself? Perhaps all of these things!

Try asking yourself questions that address the bigger picture because although we’re focusing today on the finances, everything is energetic and therefore, it’s all interrelated. 

Take the Word ‘Budget’ Out of Your Vocabulary 

Whilst this might contradict much of the financial advice you’ve heard, I’d like you to consider how the word ‘budget’ makes you feel? For many people, it feels restricted, limited and that energy certainly isn’t aligned to the energy of abundance! Perhaps you’ve set yourself a budget but then find that month after month you exceed it and end up feeling like a failure and disempowered?

Now is the time to take your power back! Be the creator of your financial life and choices and make this one of your big 2022 financial goals! This definitely isn’t about being reckless with your money and setting no boundaries - we’ll move onto that shortly. By simply choosing to rephrase how you think, speak and feel about the management and flow of your money, you can completely change how you decide to spend and save. If you’re exceeding the limitations you’ve set for yourself, identify - without judgement, what isn’t working? 

This is why I suggest that people carry out a quarterly review of their finances to look at their debt and cash flows in the present moment and really delve into what’s coming in and going out. Instead of setting yourself a budget, you can shift to the concept of thinking about what you want to create and then plan your financial choices accordingly. 

If your morning latte really brings you joy, account for it so you don’t feel deprived! If your gym membership is going unused however, that’s something you can choose to let go of and allocate some of the savings towards paying down your current debts or to build up another financial intention. 

The energy of this approach feels far more expansive and will yield much greater results in your bank account!

Step Into the Solutions of Your Finances

I mentioned earlier about a quarterly financial check-in with yourself. The next part is taking action on your current financial reality and stepping into the solutions. 

Instead of thinking about your money as simply spending and saving, ​​I’d like you to look at your current financial reality in 3 parts:


  • Your Financial Past - your debts
  • Your Financial Present - your present cash inflows and spending
  • Your Financial Future - asset building, retirement funds and so on.

You can even take this one step further by breaking down your financial future into 3 parts:

  • Short-term - to cover 3 - 6 months expenses
  • Mid-term - to cover 6 - 24 months expenses 
  • Long-term - for retirement

You can then set up new accounts, name them according to your new financial intentions and deposit an amount of money every month that will go towards each of these financial buckets. Why do this? It means that you’re financially insulating yourself from whatever happens that is out of your control (such as the economy, unexpected costs you need to cover) and freeing yourself from debt instruments. It also means you embody that energy of abundance when you see those accounts building up every month! 

You’re becoming your own bank and when it comes to financial freedom and your 2022 financial goals, this is a fantastic one to start working towards! 

Remove Any Shame, Blame or Judgement 

The topic of money can often bring up fear and resistance, but by accepting the reality of your finances, this is you showing up and expanding into your greater vision! 

We’re also all going to be in different places with what our financial reality looks like. It’s not about comparing; it’s about accepting. So, I’d like you to remove any shame, blame, guilt or judgement around your financial reality. 

This isn’t about the numbers. Instead, it’s about setting the intention and expanding into what you want to create financially! You want to be working towards the goal of putting your financial past on autopilot, choosing your cash flows in the present moment from a place of empowerment, and planting the seeds of what you want to attract in your financial future. 

All this works to create a safe financial container and to keep your nervous system in neutral. 

Work Through Your Limited Beliefs and Emotions

Financial goals aren’t just about how much you earn, spend and save. Money is entirely energetic and when we’re living out of alignment, our finances will suffer in some way. As I always say, we either work things out or act them out through our money, relationships and our health. 

Attaining financial freedom is therefore being willing to identify and challenge your limited beliefs. To witness them, work through the tests of them and then release them as opposed to hijacking your nervous system and reacting in ways such as accumulating more debt or spending to avoid feeling an emotion. 

This is all about learning to tap in and reconnect to your heart. Understanding where you’re living out of alignment and committing relentlessly to the process of working through this to embody your authentic self. Try to also refrain from believing that more money will solve all of your problems. Whilst money does offer you choices, the same emotional patterns can occur regardless of whether you have millions in your bank and savings accounts or are barely scraping by. Let’s look at the example of lottery winners who suddenly end up with all of that abundance only to lose it in a few years and be back where they started. 

Working through your limited beliefs around money and committing to living authentically and in alignment can help you to firstly hold the space to manifest money into your life, and for it to stay. This then paves the way for ultimate financial freedom! 

If you’re ready to create Real Wealth and make quantum leaps on your 2022 financial goals, I’d love for you to join me in my Launch Your Life live group coaching program, starting on August 10th for 3 months. 

You can sign up here to join:

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