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These Financial Goals Will Change Your Life

Julie Murphy • March 14, 2022


To activate the energy of financial abundance, it’s important to set financial goals. You want to know where you’re heading because it’s having a sense of purpose and clarity that creates momentum. In this article, I’m going to share some tips on how to set life changing financial goals that reframe how you look at money and to make it work for you!

Be intentional

To set the law of attraction in motion, there has to be intention, particularly with your money. Relying on what I call a financial ‘one hit wonder’ or not being aware of how your money is flowing is only going to continue the cycle you might have found yourself in. 

There has to be a plan - and one that feels good on a heart and soul level. One of the great things I love about online savings accounts is that you can name them according to your intention. You could set up an account under the name of ‘Canada Fund’ or ‘Car Payment’ for example. When you log in and see that account named as your financial desires (and I encourage you to have fun with this!), it makes you feel even more empowered to intentionally deposit money into that account because it’s in full alignment with what you want to create! 

I also recommend you fund these intentions on autopilot so that when you get your paycheck every month, money is being allocated to those accounts without you even having to think about it. 

Make a regular plan to review your finances

Something I often recommend to my clients is to mark out a time in their diary to
go on a financial date. This can either be with themselves or their partners and something you can do quarterly or a regular timeframe that works for you. It’s important to be aware that our financial goals shift as we grow. Sometimes our circumstances change, which might alter our financial trajectory. Or, what could have been a financial choice ten years ago - or even a year ago, might not be aligned with where we are right now. 

There will be tweaks and you need to allow flexibility. That’s what this is about. Being willing to be flexible whilst also remaining true to your core, heart-led goals. The idea of taking yourself on a date to review your financial past, your current reality and your financial future can be incredibly helpful. You might have found that online subscription that seemed like a good idea 6 months ago, isn’t actually being used as much as you thought and in which case, you have the awareness to then release it and put that money towards another intention that really speaks to your heart now. 

Divide your intentions into 3 buckets

With your financial intentions as I’ve spoken about above, next I’d like you to place these within 3 categories; debt, spending and wealth building. To set life changing financial goals, you need to create clarity and really double down on it. By knowing what portion of your money is going towards paying off debt, what can be allocated to spending (things such as unexpected expenses for example) and what is contributing to your wealth building, you’re going to become one heck of a powerful money manifestor! All because you’ve increased your financial awareness and not living your life by financial default. 

Again, funding these intentions on autopilot is crucial. Make it easy for yourself - use the power of automation to your own advantage and release the control or effort to do it manually, because what you might find is that you negotiate yourself away from it!

Set yourself free from debt instruments

If you’re familiar with my work, you’ll know one of the biggest tips I give on creating financial goals is to become your own bank and release any ties to debt instruments as soon as you can. Why? Because it creates space for financial flexibility and the power of choice. 

This is why thinking about your finances from a past, present and future perspective is helpful because you know exactly what debts you are working towards paying off and can plan accordingly so that you’re not having to rely on them in the future. Once one debt is paid, refrain from purchasing something else that restarts the debt cycle. If you want to have your mortgage paid by the age of 50, what needs to happen to do that? 

Again, this is all about gaining clarity, increasing awareness and importantly, actually implementing the practices. You’ll notice that when you’re setting your financial goals in this way, practices that might have seemed restrictive before are now coming from a place of self-love. They’re a choice – you’re putting yourself in the driving seat of your life! You’ll soon notice how empowering that feels, which creates further momentum and ignites the energy of abundance!

Create energetic space for money to flow in!

When creating financial goals, you have to allow yourself to have fun with it. Allow yourself to dream the bigger dream! When you’re implementing all of the things I’ve spoken about, you know you’re being intentional and you know you’re creating momentum. But it’s also about creating energetic space to allow in further abundance! Taking time out to disconnect from technology, getting out in nature, putting your hand on your heart and truly listening to what it’s telling you can be profoundly life-changing.

Create nourishing experiences for yourself, have fun, laugh, have experiences and spend time around people who are energetically aligned to what you’re looking to create! If releasing debt is a goal, don’t spend time with people who are in debt. Look at your physical environment, your diet and be super aware of what media you’re consuming. Be open to money coming to you in the most unexpected ways! Remember, everything is energy and the more you can support yourself to clear those energetic paths, the more of a manifestor you will become

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