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How to Move Through Limited Beliefs Around Money

Julie Murphy • June 20, 2023


How to Take Your Manifestations to the Next Level

Have you ever noticed that as you’re beginning to manifest your financial desires, more limited beliefs can show up?

Perhaps you’re making headway on aligning your finances. You’re working on your money in the short, mid, and long-term and have your financial intentions crystal clear, but then another unexpected expense shows up and you feel that old resistance.

What I want to highlight to you today, is that as you evolve through the next layer, this provides another opportunity to work through your limited beliefs that creep up along the way.

Plugging Into Alignment 

When we still plug into what isn’t aligned, it's amazing how our energy gets drained. 

As we’re growing, evolving, and peeling back those layers, we constantly have the opportunity to plug into old habits and limited beliefs. Such as
defaulting to debt when those unexpected costs arise. 

The magic comes when we continue to be relentless in what we want to create and keep our nervous system in neutral
despite the tests.

Becoming Our Authentic Selves

I'd like you to ask yourself; have you been living as your authentic self? 

Many of us haven’t been our authentic selves. While plugging into what isn’t aligned feels familiar and easy because it’s what we’ve done for most of our lives, it isn’t what’s true in our hearts. 

When you begin to crack open, recognize your patterns, and live from a place of authenticity, you become less tolerant of the energy, situations, and people that aren’t of the right vibration. 

So, you have to be relentless here! Look at the tests you’re facing and find your bliss by stepping into those tests. 

Your job is to tap into being the creator of your life!

All you have to do is set the intention to protect your energy and ask to be shown the golden nuggets. It’s amazing how when you set the intention, that’s exactly what you will get. I see this with so many of my clients. 

We don’t understand just how powerful we are and how much we truly
are the creator of our lives! 

If you see resistance, understand that’s the vibration you’re trying to climb out of. Stay with it. 

Breathe through it.

Once you evolve energetically, your cells also evolve and this becomes your new norm. Living as your authentic self becomes effortless. 

This is the true embodiment of ‘Real Wealth’.

When it comes to our money - and because everything is energy, our finances are the result of everything else going on in our lives. But instead of reacting, it’s about how we choose to observe, walk through the tests, and
create safe boundaries for ourselves

There are 4 pillars that are interrelated and it’s important we work on all of them to create harmony and come back to the essence of
wholeness. These 4 pillars are:





They all determine how you show up in life and how you begin to plug into the world authentically. For example, If you’re not feeling in a good, safe place mentally at work, you’ll carry that into your finances, personal and family life. 

We tend to fragment ourselves and this is about collecting those fragments to become whole - to become aligned. When we stop searching for the answers, this is that magical place when we
know we’re aligned and when everything flows with ease! 

Surrender Into What Arises

Keep in mind that what you ask for can show up in different packages! This is where divine timing comes into play. 

I can be a naturally impatient person – perhaps you can relate! To move through this, I always have to say to myself ‘Divine timing, not Julie timing’!

Learn to walk in your trust. To align with the archetype of your soul - not what you’ve been conditioned to be. Or what you’ve conditioned yourself to be.

The faster we do, the faster we get to the relationships, careers, family life, and financials we desire in our hearts and soul. 

It’s all about learning to live with an open heart and building that muscle. When you live in your essence, in your
authenticity, in your light, the things that used to trigger you no longer penetrate you. 

When you see a trigger, ask yourself ‘Where am I not showing up authentically’? You will know the answer and it often means setting a new boundary to create a safe space. From here, this is where the expansion can occur!

The 4 Spiritual Laws of Money

To help you navigate your journey through the tests and to truly understand the energy of money, I highly recommend you read my book
The 4 Spiritual Laws of Money. 

This book is perfect for you if you’re a dreamer and the thought of financial freedom makes you excited, yet you still find yourself falling in and out of debt. 

Maybe you’re income affluent but you haven’t yet become asset affluent. 

Or it could be that you have climbed up the career ladder and achieved all that you were ‘supposed’ to achieve, yet you still don’t feel happy or in alignment.

If so, the 4 Spiritual Laws of Money is for you. It digs deep into applying your intentions in your life and offers an abundance of practical tools, tips, and exercises to create that momentum that you might feel you’ve been lacking.

However, a great place to start right now is to tap into what makes you giggle! Raise your vibration and challenge your limited beliefs by following what brings you joy, and what feels true in your heart. 

Put aside the ‘shoulds’ and listen to what that wise, beautiful heart of yours is telling you!

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