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How to Overcome Your Fear of Debt

Julie Murphy • August 29, 2022


Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed with fear around your debt? Perhaps you’re living paycheck to paycheck and can’t seem to find your way out of the debt cycle?

Does debt seem to follow you around and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t break yourself free of it? 

I get it and I want you to know I have full compassion for where you’re at. 

Regardless of the debt you might have in your life, what any debt represents, is a lack of personal freedom. 

Does this resonate with you? 

Now let me ask you; how do you
feel about your debt? 

How to stop worrying about debt and the key to building wealth from the inside out is to really get these feelings you have around debt up and out of your body. This piece is fundamental to your financial healing - and to work towards becoming debt-free, because the emotions you’re feeling around that debt are offering clues to your unfulfilled needs. 

Now, I’d like you to close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly. Repeat this three times. 

This will help you drop into your heart. 

Say the words ‘I am safe. I am safe. I am safe.’ 

How does that make you feel? What is coming up for you?

I know there’s probably a part of you inside - because of an emotional unmet need, that
doesn’t feel safe, so when you say it, you’re activating the unsafe parts of yourself to come up and out. Notice where you feel this in your body? Where are they stuck?

Whether you have mortgage debt, car debt, corporate debt, loan money - these are all representative of your
financial past. Wherever the debt is coming from, it’s a heavy load. 

The way to overcoming debt depression and achieving financial freedom is not by sticking to a strict budget to facilitate paying off your debt. Of course, there has to be some structure in place, but first, getting to the core reason
why that debt has been created is where the quantum leaps happen. 

You have to feel the feelings associated with debt and feel those unfelt emotions by shining the light on them. 

I talk about this in my books Awaken Your Wealth, The Emotion Behind Money and in my new upcoming book, which I’m excited to release very soon. I talk so extensively about the emotions associated with money and debt in my
Julie Murphy work because I know that the only way to the other side, is to feel the feelings you’ve avoided that have actually created the debt in the first place. 

Debt is just a distraction. You’re using debt to avoid feeling the feelings. 

I hear so many times in my work where clients have completely changed their spending habits once they’re out of an unhappy marriage or a job that drained them. The spending hangovers they created were no longer needed as a way to soothe that unhappiness. 

This is why we have to really identify and feel those feelings to see where in life we’re out of alignment, so that the debt cycle isn’t created all over again. 

I want to reassure you that this is systemic and it’s happening on a global scale. We’ve all heard of lottery winners who pay off their debt and then go on huge spending sprees. Yet, a few years later the debt has been created all over again. 

Why? Because the
emotions are still being avoided

We use debt instruments and experience a lack of freedom because we’ve given our power to the banks, to our employer, to the government, yet, it has nothing to do with any of these institutions or people. It’s down to you. The debt you have and your feelings around it, such as a fear of mortgage debt, is a signpost telling you that it’s time to step into the part of yourself that’s no longer distracted by your emotions. 

I’ll say it again. The only way to do this and overcoming financial fears, is to feel the feelings.

What these usually boil down to:

‘I don’t feel loved’

‘I don’t feel worthy’

‘I’m not enough’

It’s from these places where you’re triggering. It’s understanding these unmet needs can’t be met externally. They can only be met by you. 

Which is great news, because it means that you hold all the power! Not the banks, not your employer and not the government. 

So many of us are afraid to step into the unknown and align with the place we are today. But when you take that leap, you will be rewarded in so many ways!

I challenge you now to take a step back and poke the bear. What do I mean by this?! It means to be willing to go and sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and repeat the words ‘I am safe’. 

Then write down the emotions that arise. 

The thing is, we look at the wrong drivers, we choose the wrong fuel source. Now is the time to step away from choosing from the place of your past trauma or your conscious, left-brain, logical mind. 

Instead, it’s time to get in tune with your heart and soul. How you choose to create your life and decisions
have to come from the heart.

Release the emotions that are keeping the debt structures in place or repeating them. Use this as a tool to move it out of your body! Shine the light and process the emotions. 

Now is the time to unplug from those old patterns and start to thrive! You deserve it! You deserve financial freedom. You deserve to build that safe container and solid foundation and work towards your life of Real Wealth.

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