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Mastering Your Money While Leading With Your Heart

Julie Murphy • Jul 02, 2024
How to Take Your Manifestations to the Next Level

Having spent three decades as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™ coach and advisor, I've learned that true financial transformation often begins when we blend financial strategies with heartfelt intentions. It's not just about numbers; it's about aligning our money with our deepest values and aspirations.

If you've followed my journey through videos or books, you know I practice what I preach. Understanding the emotional side of money isn't just professional for me—it's personal. I've walked the path from student debt to financial independence, and along the way, I've developed principles that I'm excited to share with you today.

Let's rewind a bit. Growing up in a bustling household with 11 siblings, money wasn't abundant. Like many, I financed my own college education, accruing student loans and credit card debt (thanks in part to some memorable Spring Breaks!). From an early age, I was intrigued by personal finance—it became a natural part of my identity. After college, instead of opting for a stable $40,000 salary, I dove into entrepreneurship, starting my financial planning practice. It was a bold move that required me to craft my financial journey from scratch, without a safety net.

These early experiences shaped my understanding of money, leading me to develop principles that blend financial strategy with heartfelt intentions.

I've picked up some valuable money habits that I like to pass on to my clients and students - stuff that's really made a difference for me, and for them!

Transform Your Financial Mindset

Financial well-being goes beyond numbers. It's about the energy and emotions we associate with money. Viewing taxes, job situations, or financial challenges through a lens of frustration limits our potential. Instead, I encourage reframing: What positive outcomes can taxes facilitate? How does your job contribute to your growth and future financial freedom?

By aligning our financial decisions with our values and aspirations, we create a positive energetic resonance that attracts abundance. This shift isn't just about changing how we manage money—it's about transforming our relationship with it.

Discover Your Path to Financial Freedom

What does financial freedom mean to you? For many, it's not just about wealth accumulation but about the freedom to live authentically—to pursue meaningful work, nurture relationships, and prioritize health and well-being. Achieving financial independence isn't an endpoint but a journey that integrates financial stability with personal fulfillment.

Create Space for Abundance

Our physical and emotional environments reflect our financial state. Clearing physical clutter and simplifying our schedules create space for abundance to flow. This process isn't just about decluttering—it's about releasing old patterns and emotions that limit our financial potential.

Accept Your Financial Reality

Acknowledging our current financial situation without judgment is crucial for growth. Regular financial assessments help us stay aware of our financial inflows, outflows, and goals, enabling us to make informed decisions that align with our aspirations.

Embracing financial flexibility empowers us to move from merely earning a paycheck to living with purpose, fostering a sense of abundance and possibility.

Here are few of my favorite practical steps to lead with your heart:

Identify Your Financial Blocks: 

Reflect on your financial journey, noting upbringing and key events. Identify at least three
limiting beliefs about money that resonate with you, and recognize emotional triggers and recurring behavioral patterns related to finances. Challenge each belief by assessing its basis and impact. Replace limiting beliefs with empowering affirmations, setting intentions for change. Commit to taking actionable steps to transform your relationship with money, whether through education, professional guidance, or mindset shifts, to cultivate financial empowerment and abundance.

Connect with Your Passions: 

Reflect on interests that
bring you joy, childhood dreams that resonate, and peak experiences of fulfillment. Consider how your core values align with these passions. Create a passion map highlighting connections and themes. Set specific goals to deepen your engagement with your passions, whether through hobbies, volunteering, or further education. Taking these steps will help you align your daily activities with what truly inspires and fulfills you, fostering a more meaningful and passionate life journey.

Practice Gratitude: 

Cultivate an attitude of
gratitude. Focus on the abundance you already have in your life. This positive mindset will attract more of the same into your financial journey.

Seek Support: 

Don't do it alone. Working with a coach or joining a supportive community can provide the encouragement and accountability you need to stay on track. If you are ready to delve deeper into heart-centered money management? Join me in our upcoming free
IMPACT workshop where we'll dive into heart-centered money management strategies. Together, we'll uncover practical ways to align your finances with your deepest values and aspirations. This workshop isn't just about budgeting—it's about empowering yourself to live a life of financial abundance and purpose. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards mastering your money with heart.

Take Inspired Action: 

Taking inspired action means aligning your thoughts, emotions, and intentions with purposeful steps towards your goals, such as connecting with your passions, practicing gratitude, and identifying financial blocks. Reflecting on your passions and setting
goals based on them empowers you to move forward with clarity and inner guidance. Daily gratitude practice fosters positivity and appreciation, influencing decisive actions aligned with your values. Addressing financial blocks clears obstacles, enabling inspired actions towards financial empowerment. These practices propel you towards success while nurturing fulfillment and purpose in your journey.

Everyone's financial journey is different. Tailor these principles to fit your own values and aspirations for the best results.

Financial transformation is more than just managing money—it's about aligning your finances with your heart's desires. By shifting your perspective, defining what financial freedom means to you, and taking inspired action, you can create a life of abundance and fulfillment. Start today, and remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Together, we can achieve financial empowerment and live with purpose.

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